Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Above the Vaulted Sky - Page 161

Chapter Twenty-Four

                The room before us transcends enormity. It’s clear that the old stone castle has been hollowed out and re-integrated with metal balconies, floors and banks upon banks of computers and equipment with spirits bustling away at it.
                In the centre of the room sits a cube with the moleskin man sat in its centre.
                ‘Don’t you know that when you shut the bad guy in the glass cage, it inevitably ends in escape?’ I observe.
                ‘And/or becomes part of said bad guy’s plan?’ Elle adds.
                I turn to her showing pride for her inner geek. ‘I’ve taught you well.’
                Windermere ignores us. The room is warm despite the fact that the windows are all glassless and the roof has endless holes in it.
                ‘How do you stop all your things from getting wet?’ Yates asks, looking towards the dizzying heights above us.
                ‘We have many tricks thanks to Thacker’s research,’ Windermere says. ‘The equipment you see before you is kept on our plain, it would be invisible to anyone who entered this castle.’
                ‘What is this place?’ I ask.
                ‘It was abandoned a long time ago. Legend says it is heavily haunted meaning people stay away from it.’ A ghost of a smile passes over her face.
                I close my eyes and view the room. I wonder are they aware of our gift. The people of the Council have proved to be confusing. They lock us away and seem more annoyed that we set Thacker free than the fact that we escaped ourselves. They don’t seem to know about our ability to talk to each other through the Edge, and the fact that the power remains ours shows that they’re either oblivious to it, or are unable to block it.
                Do you think they’re divided in opinion? Elle thinks. I look at her. We’re clearly following the same train of thought.
                I look around the room. People stand talking together but their feelings are clear for us to see. Deception and distate flickers across conversation as clear as if they were voicing their thoughts.
                Windermere did say their opinion was divided about what to do with us. I reply.
                I don’t like them, Easton. Elle says. I just get a bad feeling. Their only problem with Thacker is the fact that he became a she, or part she. Why is it always people like this who get power?

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